Or perhaps a bit of both.
I think #LinkedIn should hire you to write inspiration for their users. Great question!
Just found a Jeff Bezos article which seems appropriate: "One of Amazon's Leadership Principles (https://leaders.com/articles/leadership/amazon-leadership-principles/) puts it in very blunt terms: "Insist on the Highest Standards. Leaders have relentlessly high standards--many people may think these standards are unreasonably high."" (https://www.inc.com/thomas-koulopoulos/in-just-two-words-jeff-bezos-sums-up-what-separate-winners-from-dreamers.html)
Thanks Paul. Your point about leadership with principles is a great one - to my mind it's not just 'what' leaders do but 'how' and 'why' that make the difference. I'll take a look at those pieces now - thanks for sharing!
I think #LinkedIn should hire you to write inspiration for their users. Great question!
Just found a Jeff Bezos article which seems appropriate: "One of Amazon's Leadership Principles (https://leaders.com/articles/leadership/amazon-leadership-principles/) puts it in very blunt terms: "Insist on the Highest Standards. Leaders have relentlessly high standards--many people may think these standards are unreasonably high."" (https://www.inc.com/thomas-koulopoulos/in-just-two-words-jeff-bezos-sums-up-what-separate-winners-from-dreamers.html)
Thanks Paul. Your point about leadership with principles is a great one - to my mind it's not just 'what' leaders do but 'how' and 'why' that make the difference. I'll take a look at those pieces now - thanks for sharing!