Thriving in 2025
What one thing would you like to accomplish, that if you did, would change everything?
As the year begins, the promise of fresh possibilities invites both excitement and reflection.
But in the rush to set goals and make big plans, we often lose sight of something just as important: the joy of creating space to think deeply and the freedom to imagine new horizons.
At this time of year, conversations quickly pivot from fleeting resolutions to quarterly targets and long-term ambitions. For leaders juggling a packed schedule, diving straight into the year's demands can feel like the only viable choice.
Yet there’s a risk in this approach: the risk of following a path you didn’t consciously choose and missing the opportunity to pursue what truly matters to you.
So, before you hit the ground running, consider this: taking time now to set your personal and professional "route planner" could be the key to a year that’s not just productive, but genuinely meaningful.
To help you navigate your 2025 with clarity and intention, you’ll find 10 powerful questions below.
As any good coach will tell you, the right questions have the potential to shift perspectives, uncover hidden priorities, and inspire transformative action.
These questions are designed to go beyond surface level planning. They’ll help you dig deeper into what this year could mean for you, offering a chance to create a roadmap not only for success but also for fulfilment.
After all, the destination matters - but so does the journey.
Ten Questions to Fire Up Your 2025:
The objective of these questions is to spark curiosity and explore beneath the surface, and help you create the headspace to think about what you really want.
You might take 15 minutes or a few hours.
Here are your questions:
What one thing would you like to accomplish, that if you did, would change everything?
What would it take for you to feel thrilled with your progress in 12 months?
What is missing from your life that you will no longer tolerate?
What do you want your life to be like during 2025? Think about your:
career & business
health & fitness
mindset and emotions
fun and recreation
important relationships
and anything else that matters to you
What kind of person do you want to be? Which of your strengths will you need to lead with?
Where do you need to reinvigorate and transform yourself?
What are you willing to sacrifice and what are you not willing to sacrifice?
Given what you care most deeply about, what opportunities do you need to capitalise on?
What one habit would be most likely to ensure that all your other ambitions for 2025 are accomplished?
What is one micro step you can take, right now, today to get you started?
And finally..
Imagine it is 12 months into the future in January 2026 and that you’ve exceeded what you envisaged above beyond your wildest imagination. And, out loud, complete this sentence:
“The past year has been the best year of my life because… “
Know another leader who wants to get more from 2025? This post, like all Spark pieces, are publicly available so feel free to share it.
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