For many people, the end of the year marks the season of presents.
Giving and receiving. And an experience for many that is both joyful and stressful.
The meaning you attach to presents can be insightful; why you give them and who you give them to; what you choose to give; and the value that you place on gifts that you receive.
In the spirit of gift giving, this week I’m sharing with you a non-festive super short film aptly named The Present. It is 3 minutes and 20 seconds long.
The Present is a film intended for children but, as with many shorts, there are deep layers captured within the story.
And these are layers that can open up insight and learning for leaders of any age.
If you have children you may already be aware of it, it’s not new.
Just click play on the button below.
Take a moment and watch. If you’re with your team, watch it together.
Then reflect on the following questions.
What messages do you take from watching this short?
How did your feelings change as you watched?
If you had hit pause at the 1 minute 30 mark, what beliefs, perceptions and judgements would you have taken away with you about the boy and his mothers behaviour?
What is one thing that you can take from this film into the way you lead and work?
Which person could you share and talk about it with?
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